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January 1 - New Year Survak

January 1 - New Year Survak

After midnight and before dawn, the ceremony of Survakan began. The symbol of the rite was a decorated dogwood branch - the “marmot” The rite arose from the belief that touching a person with a dogwood sponge conveys the vitality of this tree: the dogwood has swelling buds by the New Year, but the fruits ripen only in late autumn, so it’s almost whole year does not fade. Dogwood from the Bulgarians is considered the strongest and longest tree. A twig for making a mash should have been freshly cut while it is still “raw”, i.e. has not yet dried up and retains the vital forces of nature. The expression "Surva, Surva, Merry Godina", i.e. “Healthy, happy year” ceremonial wishes and blessings began.

Marmots, decorated with dried fruits, bagels, small silver coins, white and red woolen threads or figures carved from dogwood bark - symbols of fertility and health, garlic. Wheat ears, bagels and corn - a symbol of a rich harvest in agricultural areas, colorful threads and shreds of wool - the fecundity of animals; dried red pepper - potency, and garlic, which was attached to marmot, protected people from the evil eye, hostile forces and diseases. Survakars beat these branches on the back of everyone in the house, starting with the oldest, and domestic animals, pronouncing good deeds and wishes.

March 3 - Day of the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke.

March 3 - Day of the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke.

More than 400 monuments to Russian soldiers-liberators have been preserved in Bulgaria. Every year, on March 3, the country raises national flags and lays wreaths with military honors at the Freedom Monument on Shipka, in memory of all Russian soldiers who died in the struggle for the liberation of Bulgaria. In the evening, in the square in front of the country's parliament, the National Assembly, at the monument to the Tsar-Liberator, a solemn service is taking place.

Appreciative Bulgarians lay wreaths and flowers at the monuments to the fallen Russian, Finnish and Romanian soldiers throughout the country.

May 1 is the Day of Labor and International Solidarity of Workers.

May 1 - Day of Labor and International Solidarity of Workers.

On May 1, Bulgaria and the whole world celebrate Labor Day and the international solidarity of workers. On this day, many countries around the world celebrate the social and economic achievements of the labor movement. The day is one of the official holidays in Bulgaria.

May 6 - Day of Courage and the Bulgarian Army

May 6 - Day of Courage and the Bulgarian Army

The Day of Courage and the Bulgarian Army or St. George's Day (Bulgarian. Gergyovden, Den for Bravery and the Bulgarian Army) is the official national Bulgarian holiday - the day of the Bulgarian Army. Celebrated annually on May 6. Named in honor of St. George the Victorious.

May 24 - Festival of Bulgarian Culture and Slavic Writing

May 24 - Festival of Bulgarian Culture and Slavic Writing

In the Bulgarian holiday calendar, May 24 is one of the brightest and most original holidays. Maybe there is no Bulgarian who would not know that on this day the cause of the Slavic first teachers Cyril and Methodius is celebrated

September 6 - Day of the unification of Bulgaria

September 6 - Bulgaria Unification Day

The holiday is timed to coincide with the most important event in the unification of Bulgaria. Despite the significance of this event, one cannot tell the history of the Bulgarian statehood that this holiday is celebrated in Bulgaria very widely, although themed events are held in the country dedicated to this day, and the Bulgarian media do not forget to congratulate compatriots on the anniversary of the reunion Bulgarian people.

September 22 - Independence Day of Bulgaria

September 22 as the proclamation of the sovereign Bulgarian kingdom.

Independence Day of Bulgaria is a national holiday in Bulgaria. Celebrated on September 22 as the proclamation of the sovereign Bulgarian kingdom. independence Day

This day marks the anniversary of the proclamation of the sovereign Bulgarian kingdom in 1908. Until that time, the Bulgarian principality was formally a vassal of the Ottoman Empire and in all foreign acts requested the approval of the Turkish Sultan.

November 1 - Day of People’s Wake-ups

November 1 - Day of People’s Wake-ups

November 1, Bulgaria celebrates one of its largest holidays - the Day of People’s Wake-ups.

These are the people who created and supported the national spirit and values of the Bulgarians for centuries: enlighteners of the Middle Ages, fighters for the awareness and revival of the Bulgarian people during the five centuries of Ottoman rule.

December 24 - Christmas Eve

December 24 - Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve December 24 is one of the most well-established family holidays in Bulgaria. This day comes with the preparation for the Christian holiday of the Nativity of Christ. On the festive table there should be an odd number of lean dishes, for example: lean cabbage rolls, beans, fresh fruits and nuts, pumpkin pie with filling. They also bake and prepare bread (banitsa or drink). A coin is put in bread, whoever gets a coin will be lucky all the next year

December 25 and 26 - Christmas

December 25 and 26 - Christmas

On December 25, Christians in Bulgaria celebrate Christmas (Coleda), also called Bozhik or Bozhich. The holiday begins to be celebrated in the first minutes of December 25, as a kind of continuation, when the last day of great fasts ends and begin to carol.

The start time of caroling is strictly defined by tradition - from midnight to sunrise on Christmas Day. According to folk tales, vampires, goblins, and other supernatural beings appear just then. It is believed that carollers going around the house with their songs drive them away.

Easter in Bulgaria

Easter dates change every time

Easter in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Velikden, is considered the largest Christian holiday. On this day, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is celebrated. Every year in Bulgaria, Christians celebrate this great event, the most important for the entire Christian world. In Orthodoxy, the importance of a holiday is reflected in the words “holiday of holidays and triumph of celebrations.

public holidays in Bulgaria

Folk holidays

February 14th - this day in Bulgaria, three holidays are celebrated simultaneously. The church commemorates the Assumption of St. Cyril of Slavic Bulgaria, who, together with his brother Methodius, created the Slavic alphabet.

According to the old folk tradition, on February 14, the Day of the wine-grower is celebrated - Tryphon Zarezan, dedicated to the love of the vineyard, grapes and wine. On the same day, February 14th, many Bulgarians celebrate Valentine's Day, dedicated to St. Valentine.


March 1 - in the Bulgarian calendar, an analogue of our Pancake Week - Baba Marta, everyone gives each other martin charms. This day is compared in popularity to New Year or Christmas - Kolyada in local.


May 21 - Rose Festival with its own beauty contest.

Holidays in Bulgaria are celebrated with a soul - bright, tasty, carefully preserving folk traditions and rites.
